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The decision has been taken.  Jemstone will relocate its main office from Amsterdam
to Jordan in 2014 and preparations are already underway.  We'll  be providing progress
reports during 2013.  
Jemstone continues to offer consultancy and project support to the media throughout the Middle East-North Africa region. In addition, we can be an active partner in seeking funding and assistance from a range of European organisations.  For more information contact:  This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Meanwhile read on for information about our Dutch operation
including executive coaching and mentoring in business-English and communication.                          

Communication Consultancy and Coaching
 for senior professionals in the Netherlands 

In our experience, every educated Dutch man and woman speaks English but very few speak it as well as they think they do! In the past this was an effective strategy but globalisation has changed the context. Today, simple transactional English no longer opens so many doors.
We take your 'very good' Dutch English and transform it into one of your key strengths in achieving international success. At meetings, presentations, sales-pitches, media interviews and so on, being able to express yourself clearly is essential. It's quite subtle and complex; it's about understanding your 'audiences', and knowing how to talk to them persuasively .

We have developed a simple and effective two-stage strategy for dramatically improving your professional English communication. Eradicating stupid mistakes. Decoding high-level, native English.
Learning and perfecting a language is always hard work but you need to know that you're getting the maximum impact for your efforts. That's what we do, giving you individual coaching and mentoring -- whenever and where-ever you need it.
*    retainer-based services so we are always available.
*    regular advice, consultancy and development.
*    short-term, emergency language and communication support (to prepare for board meetings, media interviews or high-level presentations).

Tudor Lomas’s expertise is in communication and enabling others to communicate effectively and persuasively. He is an experienced BBC journalist and broadcaster with a 15-year track record in international training and consultancy.


Tudor has worked in business, politics, development and academia. He’s designed and delivered media and presentation training to Prime Ministers and CEOs, advertising executives and environmental consultants, the financial sector and Middle East governments. Not just how to ‘perform’ smoothly, but also how to shape your key messages to increase their impact on target audiences.

Recently re-based in Amsterdam, Tudor is offering personal business-English and communication support to CEOs, senior politicians and others who operate at the highest levels. The coaching and mentoring is individually-designed; when and where you want it; either on-going or in response to short-term critical requirements.
Email for an initial meeting. 

          -- how others identify Dutch-English  
* My agenda is already full for next week.

the word is ‘diary’; an agenda is the running order for a meeting

* Don’t be late, we’re meeting at half eight!


we’re meeting at half (past) seven in English!

* What’s the saldo on this account?


to an English speaker ‘saldo’ means nothing, the word is ‘balance’ 
* You’ll find the letter in that map.


the English word is ‘folder’; a map is for planning a journey

* How will we celebrate the 25th lustrum?


this makes no sense in English, they say anniversary 
* Do you have many undertakers in Britain?


the word is entrepreneur (from the French); an undertaker buries

dead people (unless of course that’s what you’re talking about)


*  Is the colophon on the back cover?


there is no word for this in common English, or hasn’t been for 400 years


* Yes, that’s really interesting.


said by an English person it probably means really uninteresting

(particularly if said slowly)!! 


* Please put your mobile out.


it should be turn off or switch off your mobile 


* If you want me to presentate I need time to preparate.


it should be ‘present’ and ‘prepare


NB please email examples of Dunglish to This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
          -- how to identify and avoid English that betrays a lack of education 
* " . . . to boldly go. . ."
you should not split the infinitive! to go boldly
* "less than 20 people were there"
should be fewer than (for number); less for quantity
* misuse of their, there and they're
they sound the same but are very different
* "should of gone sooner"
UGH!  Should have gone sooner


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